Cartrefi i'w rhentu gan
Legal & General

Creadigaeth Legal & General yw Wood Street House - un o gasgliad cyffrous o gyrchfannau ledled y DU a adeiladwyd yn benodol i'w rhentu. Rydym wedi saernïo pob manylyn i wneud eich bywyd yn haws ac yn fwy siriol. Mae'n gymaint mwy na chartref yn unig; mae'n arddull chwyldroadol o rentu sy'n ticio'r blychau i gyd.

Rhentiwch ar raddfa uwch

Rhentiwch ar raddfa uwch

Band eang cyflym iawn

Band eang cyflym iawn

Band eang cyflym am ddim, y cyfan wedi'i osod ac yn barod i fynd ym mhob ystafell a gofod a rennir - ym mhobman. Gan ein bod yn gwybod pa mor bwysig yw bod yn gysylltiedig â'ch byd. At ddefnydd personol yn unig.
Tîm ar y safle a phorthor

Tîm ar y safle a phorthor

Ymlaciwch gan wybod y bydd ein tîm ar y safle yn eich helpu ar bob cam. O gymryd parseli i mewn a chydlynu gwaith cynnal a chadw ac atgyweirio, i argymell lleoedd newydd, cael gostyngiadau lleol i chi a threfnu digwyddiadau cymdeithasol.
Caniatéir anifeiliaid anwes

Caniatéir anifeiliaid anwes

Beth arall sy'n ein gosod ar wahân i'r gweddill? Mae croeso mawr i anifeiliaid anwes yma. Oherwydd rydyn ni'n gwybod na fyddai bywyd yr un peth hebddynt. Telerau ac Amodau yn berthnasol.
Rhyddid i addurno

Rhyddid i addurno

Eich cartref chi yw hwn felly beth am fwynhau’r rhyddid a phaentio’r waliau, gosod lluniau a’i wneud yn eich lle chi. Dylai ei arddull fod mor unigryw â chi. Telerau ac Amodau yn berthnasol.
Calendr o ddigwyddiadau

Calendr o ddigwyddiadau

Rydyn ni'n ei gwneud hi'n hawdd dod i adnabod eich cymdogion trwy galendr bywiog o ddigwyddiadau. Popeth o nosweithiau cwis a barbeciws haf, i glybiau llyfrau a sesiynau blasu gwin.
Our sister sites

Ein chwaer safleoedd

Archwiliwch ein holl fflatiau chwaethus i'w rhentu mewn amrywiaeth o gymdogaethau bywiog. Wedi'u dylunio gyda chyfleusterau heb eu hail, dyluniad o ansawdd crefftus a ffocws ar les - i wneud byw yn eich hoff ddinas yn hawdd.

What our residents say

Peidiwch â’i gymryd oddi wrthym yn unig,
gwelwch beth mae rhai o’n preswylwyr yn ei feddwl
am fyw yn ein lleoliadau ar  Homeviews.

You'll always get a 'Good morning" or "How are you doing?" from the team at the front desk. It can really make a difference when coming home or leaving in the morning.

Wood Street House Resident

It’s a great community feel – the group chats with the other residents and the social events are both really fun ways to meet other people living in the building.

Wood Street House Resident

Wood Street House is located in the heart of Cardiff. You have great access to a wide selection of shops, scenic walks and transport links. There are plenty of bars and restaurants in the area to try out as well as a very vibrant nightlife.

Wood Street House Resident

The building is really spectacular, feeling simultaneously like a 5-star hotel and also like a warm welcoming home. It’s our first time living in an apartment block like this but the friendly and warm staff make it feel like we’ve lived here for years.

Wood Street House Resident

The gym is one of the best I have had in apartment buildings (including when I lived in Los Angeles). The shared work/lounge areas are incredible.

Jared S
Wood Street House Resident

The views are amazing over the hills. I really appreciate the free WiFi, 24/7 reception, gym, and roof terrace areas.

Wood Street House Resident

The design of this building is nothing short of impressive. Its modern and sleek architecture adds to the overall aesthetic appeal. Facilities are a stand-out feature. The work-from-home spaces are great, and the gym ensures residents can stay active conveniently.

Wood Street House Resident

The roof terrace is a dream; it is a lovely space to relax. The gym is great quality and well maintained. The communal lounge is a nice social area to meet neighbours. The building is fantastic and so perfectly put together, I have loved every minute of living here.

Legal & General Resident
Box Makers Yard - Bristol

Everything is brand new and the design is so beautiful and elegant. The people working there are super friendly and kind. So happy with my choice

Legal & General Resident
Solasta Riverside - Glasgow

Very beautiful building and facilities . They have a meetings for room, working area and big dinner room you can book. The building is also opened to bringing pets which has been my struggle to find in Glasgow. Common areas include 2 big terrace which also will be very enjoyable for my dog! The staff are also incredibly helpful and are very kind.

Legal & General Resident
Solasta Riverside - Glasgow

Modern state-of-the-art building taking over Glasgow. In our flat, we can see beautiful view and the attitude of the staff is super friendly, to whom you can report problems that are solved on time. We enjoy the high floor apartment. The shape of building is special. Also the safety of this building is nice.

Legal & General Resident
Solasta Riverside - Glasgow

Exciting living experience in Glasgow. I am really satisfied with the overall property management. Staff at the reception are always kind and willing to help with everything, even minor aspects. The design of my allocated flat is fascinating. Most time of the day we can enjoy the sunshine, and thanks to the soundproof wall, no noise during night.

Legal & General Resident
Solasta Riverside - Glasgow

The building is perfect, it has plenty of amenities such as gym, pool table, shuffleboard, co-working space, private dining areas. The facilities are superb. And the concierge team is top class. The building design is modern, compared to the rest of Glasgow’s skyline.

Legal & General Resident
Solasta Riverside - Glasgow

The design of my one bedroom optimises the space in a way that makes it feel very open. All of the employees, especially Sara and Alyssa, are very friendly and helpful. The terrace is beautiful and the gym is well stocked. My couch and bed are both very comfy.

Legal & General Resident
Solasta Riverside - Glasgow

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Get in touchCysylltwch

Fancy a look around? Got a question? Just get in touch with our friendly team and we’ll help with anything you need.Awydd edrych o gwmpas? Oes gennych chi gwestiwn? Cysylltwch â'n tîm cyfeillgar a byddwn yn helpu gydag unrhyw beth sydd ei angen arnoch.

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